Mellon Udrigle

 A cloudier day as we made our way to Mellon Udrigle beach which sits at the far end of the Laide Peninsula and looks Northeast across Loch Gruniard towards the hills of Coigach.

This is another place when the weather constantly changes and no two visits are the same. Even though it was cloudy, we could still see as far as Suilvan and the Coigach hills.

Mellon Udrigle

Across Loch Gruinard

Across Loch Gruinard

The Coigach Hills from Mellon Udrigle

Suilvan from Mellon Udrigle

Mellon Udrigle

Mellon Udrigle

Mellon Udrigle

A distant An Teallach

Hills of Coigach from Mellon Udrigle

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