Local Beatles Connection and snow!

Grey clouds, gloom and snow, snow, snow.
Trapped indoors with nowhere to go.
Break in the snow, walking boots on.
Camera charged, the blues have gone.

I used to be a poet but I didn't know it! These are some photos of the local Clayton countryside taken during a short break in the recent bad weather. You can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear but having said that, I don't think I've made a bad job in trying!! ;)

Not a lot of people know this but.....

The now-defunct Clayton Tide newspaper described the central role of the pubs in Clayton village life in a 15 August 1861 account of a visit to the village by Pablo Fanque, the popular Victorian circus owner who The Beatles later immortalised in the song Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! The Clayton Tide reported, "On Sunday, a great number of persons visited the village, but ignoring the "Teetotal Lectures" which were given at Town Bottom, the public houses were well attended. Mr Pablo Fanque, always welcome on such occasions, was present and a damsel in his company, who emulated Blondin's feats, drew a large crowd." - the mind boggles!

Local snicket

"Anything to eat?"

Local snicket

Keeping Dry


Local snicket

Local snicket

Dry stone walls.

Beech Tree



Brow Lane

Towards Baldwin Lane

Brow Lane

Brow Lane

Towards the old railway line

Towards the old railway line

Brow Lane

Railway Viaduct

Footpath to Hanging Fall Wood

Footpath to Hanging Fall Wood

Footpath to Hanging Fall Wood

Clayton Cricket Ground.

Kiveton Community Woodland

The former site of Kiveton Park Colliery was reclaimed by the Land Restoration Trust. and the area, which covers about 59 hectares, is now managed by the Forestry Commission for the benefit of the publicWork began in 2004 to eradicate the ravages of the old pit workings and Kiveton Community Woodland now features area of woodlands, grasslands, wetlands and ponds which support a wide range of wildlife. Some of the woodland area have been very recently planted. It is now maintained by a Ranger and local folk who do a great job and from my limited experience it is a very popular area with the local community. 

The snow brought the locals out in force, especially the younger end who took full advantage of sledging down the slopes where the original colliery head was. Near to the highest point is a cast iron sculpture of Old Duke the Pit Pony (see below) who stands proud in all weathers. Whoever sculptured him did a damned fine job, it really does portray well the horrendous conditions these poor animal had to work and die in.

I hadn't expected the weather to be as bad as it was and had left any form of walking shoe at home! Consequently I had to spend three snowy day in just my trainers which having said that, seemed to do a better job of keeping me on my feet than my walking shoes normally do. Unfortunately they did seem to let in a small amount of water ;)

Anyway enough of my waffle, the photos below are all of the Woodland and nearby fishing lakes. I hope they do the place justice and serve as a good insight in to what can be done with a bit of thoughtful and community driven land reclamation.


Balmacara and Skye

 WE had a mixed week of weather but on the whole we managed to stay dry. The only wet day was our second day when Sal stayed in the cottage ...