From the moment I left Cumbria to nearing Fort William on the A82 it rained! The M8 through Glasgow is dire in any conditions but add a downpour into the equation and it becomes downright dangerous and so it was with a sigh of relief that I crossed the Erskine Bridge and headed towards Loch Lomond.
I called in at the Loch Lomond Shores complex basically just to break my journey up. Now here is a store/complex that knows how to rip tourists off yet still coach loads turn up. I should imagine very few people actually buy anything though. Give me a good old tat shop any day.
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Loch Lomond |
The view up the Loch was non-existent except for a few old pier post sticking up from the water and the hazy trees on the shoreline but this scene was to be my first shoot of the holiday and one which I really like. The only problem was that I had left my camera in the car so I had to trundle off to get it and on my return, found the weather was even more murkier or as us photographers say, more atmospheric.Getting quite excited at the "frame" I had in my minds-eye, I set up my shot and was clicking away when as if by chance a guillemot landed on one of the posts and spread it's wings out to dry. Mission accomplished, at least I had one good shot from a thoroughly dismal day.
Buoyed up by this I drove round to Arrochar on Loch Long and got a similar type of shot from there, maybe today wasn't going to be such a washout after all.
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Loch Lomond |
My next port of call was the Falls of Falloch which was quite impressive after all the recent rain. It wasn't a really pleasant experience though, the short walk through the woods wet me through and it was hard keeping the rain off of the camera but I took a few shots just for my own record.
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The Falls of Falloch |
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Glen Nevis |
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Glen Nevis |
Then it was up and over a miserable Rannoch Moor, this must have been the first time that I have ever just driven across it but the weather was so bad that it seemed pointless to stop and the same went for Glencoe as well. I just pulled into the lay-by and took a quick photo.
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Glen Nevis |
As I drove along the shores of Loch Linnhe, I decided to put my contingency plan into place due to the bad weather so when I reached Fort William and had booked into my B&B, it was straight along to the Grog and Gruel for a couple of real pints of ale to drown my sorrows and take stock.
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The Grog and Gruel |
Bringing back memories of my West Highland Way trek but the one day we had great weather was the day along the loch. At the Grog and Gruel, Loran was on her cell phone the entire time and wasn't really present for conversation or dinner. That's what I remember,lol.
ReplyDeleteshe was on the free wifi eh? Come rain or shine, the Highlands are still beautiful.